Monday, December 15, 2008

Sympathy For The Devil


Anonymous said...

This guy put the rogue into rogues gallery, lol, Zelig Conman of our lifetime.

But there's a misspelling in his days w/ commodities . . .


Anonymous said...

Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name.

Anonymous said...

How about the fine work Hugh did with Fastow, Skilling and Lay at Enron, also working with Oscar Wyatt of Coastal....and more importantly helping out with the UN Iraq "Food for Crude" program.

Anonymous said...

He should try Citadel. Or maybe contact the transition team about replacing Cox at the SEC.

Anonymous said...

What, no "Amaranth" experience?

Douglas said...

Douglas said:
Bravo Cassandra! And wasn't Hugh also briefly in charge of pension plans for Orange County and San Diego?

Pamela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I wonder what he would have done if he didn't work in finance...

Anonymous said...

He should be California state treasurer!

Anonymous said...

He has a bright future in politics!

glennwsmith said...

And his next position:

On-air Financial Analyst

Incisive and ironical commentator on the sorry state of our markets.

[Well, you get the idea! Can someone help me flesh this out?!?]

Unknown said...

Isn't this the guy who was General partner and cief activist officer of the Greenmail Fund, or was that another Fallis?

Anonymous said...

Glenn-Are you telling me that Ms. Brown and the WSJ were NOT insightful when they said the solution to the financial crisis was "don't trust everyone and diversify"?

RPB said...

I do believe that poor grammar on a resume is indicative of bigger problems...

Sorry, I had to point it out.

erikig said...

I remember that guy. We worked together in South-East Asian futures markets for Barings Bank...

Funny guy...