That is, except for one thing which stubbornly remains in my mind from that last visit during that hot, steamy humid Seoul summer: out of economic necessity, they were ostensibly ALL doing their bit to both ration available energy AND save money and so almost every single domestic company that I visited in their bright new glass-office buildings in the modern financial district had their air-conditioning turned off and it was unbearably hot and sweaty. When the Koreans set their mind to something, let nothing like a little sweat and B.O. stand in their way. They of course apologized, had the requisite electric fan in the meeting rooms for their foreign guest, but all the same, it was unbearably oppressive for someone coming from near the same degree of Latitude as Canada's Hudson Bay.
Watching oil's relentless rise, along with America's declining ability to finance it's oil purchases, and the continued inefficiency of her motor fleet, appliances, building materials,

Continuing down this not so far-fetched avenue, will baseball games once again be played in the natural light of day? Will Ice Hockey in Florida and Houston once again be banished to the shed of "This is a REALLY STUPID idea"? Will sailboats make a silent comeback over their noisy two-stroke outboards and monster-diesel inboards? Will we be watching the "Indianapolis 200" next year? Will the use of 'eminent domain' return to America - not to seize waterfront property but to construct new rail services? Will kids start riding their bikes to school again? Will drive-thru's become illegal or simply wither away unused? Will you need a permit to fly? Will people ever stop putting fertilizer on their lawns, and use it instead for their "OPEC Victory Garden"? Will Americans finally embrace the carpool? At what price do these things start to bite, and will the

yo brother,
the Indy 500 is fueled by ETHANOL!!!!
Indeed they run on corn hooch, but given the neck&neck race between rallying corn & crude, it's not clear there'll be any difference in price or scarcity...
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