Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Anything But A Financier

Attention all media personnel:

Please cease referring to Alan Stanford as "a Financier". If your prose is feeling naked and you are looking for an appropriate job description might I suggest "Ponzista", "Contrapreneur", "Confidence Man", "Trickster", "Financial Huckster" "Snake-Oil Salesman", or "Pathological Liar", Barricuda, Bilker, Bunco, Cheater, Clip Artist, Crook, Deceiver, Fleecer, Flimflammer, Fraudster, Hoser, Hustler, Mountebank, Scam Artist, Scammer, Shark, Sharpie, Smoothie, Swindler, or Antiguan Anti-Christ. Should you feel these tags a tad premature (editorially-speaking), do not hesitate to preface it with "alledged", or for those willing to go out (but not too for out) on a limb, "likely".

Thank you,



  1. How about referring to Stanford as "an Honorary Jew".

    Sounds about right to me.

  2. He's a devout christian.

  3. Correction: He's an alledged christian.

  4. "He's an alledged [sic] christian."

    Hence the "Honorary."

  5. Will the FT please stop referring to him as "Sir Allen Stanford".

  6. actually, by persisting to call him "Sir Allen Standford, billionaire financier", the media shows its socialist streak, where it wants to inflame people at the injustice brought by various Financiers and Sirs.

  7. In my opinion, michaeld with the comment above is a likely SPAM artist.

    I just hate these people.

  8. Most likely spammer.

  9. You left out Texan Cricket Fan, that should tell you everything.

  10. What then is Greenspan? lol.

    If this definition of a profession to exclude its malefactors works, and lawyers adopt a similar approach, who then will remain standing as lawyer?

    And as for the soon to be archaic lable "congressman"

  11. Hey C, couldnt agree more. Its insulting for all the honest folk working in finance. And b/w I think this started with Madoff already where same "title" was used by the media...

  12. Nihongo-wa dekimasen.

  13. Sorry that's Chinese...lol. Even worse.
