Friday, September 06, 2013

Financial Haiku Open Weekend

It's that time again: Financial Haiku Open Day. The last one, was almost five years and was a stonking success with some near perfect compositions. I'll print the first few trades and look forward to your generous contributions. Make Bashō proud....

Tesla's Recoil

Buying blocks of Tesla
Roman candles! You shuffle
off this mortal coil.

Dog Days

Summers or Yellen?
Fido sleeps on the back porch
Corn fixes carbon.

Ode to S.A.C.

I am not guilty
Mosaics are my passion
It's complicated.


Rock. Paper. Scissors.
"Should I stay or should I go now"?
Love you! Hate you! Meh...


Got any Gold? I do...
Glass is always half-empty
The game's frickin' rigged!


  1. Suppository
    Or Narcissus for PM
    Spoiled vote Oi Oi Oi

  2. Saving the world is
    Quantitatively, easy
    Actually, less so

  3. Nuclear truth is
    Leaking to water table
    sucks coffer into abyss

    Olympics, you say
    Make bets on Default Swaps
    Says a Casino Titan

  4. Golden Ringtone:

    Everyone wants the
    Call before the First Call
    Croesus' phone chimes

  5. Homo sapiens
    Thought smarter than monkeys
    but some like bananas

  6. James says:

    Yield plays at my feet
    Interactive Brokers lends
    How could it go wrong

  7. Microsoft blunders
    Balmer out, dead cat bounce
    Nokia kills it
