Saturday, September 05, 2009

Your Lucky Day in Hell...

Long absence indeed. An inward looking interlude. Completing profoundly personal chores. Like listening to The Eels. Some will know why [I am listening to this music], for they [The Eels] are by no means adorning the walls of bedrooms around the world. Wry. Sketpical. Musically quirky. Too-cerebral. I am attracted. There are too many tunes that I like, but you can start with: I Like Birds, Mr E's Beautiful Blues, and for your pleasure, Your Lucky Day in Hell. We'll be back shortly with our regularly unscheduled drivel and thanks to all who've inquired and/or pined for Cassandra. And no, rest assured, I am not Tyler Durden.....


  1. Mr CDT,

    Glad to see you back. Your passion re proving Rand wrong inspired me to start maxing out contributions to politicians fighting Geithner's agenda of bailing out bank bondholders.

    I sleep much better at night, knowing I've contributed to the common good by helping fight Geithner's agenda.

  2. Ant Farm is another good one!

  3. My fave album is still electroshock blues "three speed" is amazing

  4. Mr. Cassandra: We'll be back shortly with our regularly unscheduled drivel and thanks to all who've inquired and/or pined for Cassandra. And no, rest assured, I am not Tyler Durden.....


    No, you are John Mauldin. That is why he uses Mr. Cassandra prose as his own, without attribution. He wouldn't want people to realize his superhero secret identity.

  5. maybe Tyler Perry?

  6. Check E's latest on World Cafe.

    Thanks, ms. loverly cassandra for introducing~reminding me of eels' 'E'

    "The look that you give that guy "is especially excellent.. Shrek??
