Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Join Today! The "Trade of The Month Club"

In 1928, Harry Scherman a JWT coptwriter founded the Book-of-the-Month Club to help the aspiring masses populate their scant libraries with leather-bound tomes their friends and guests might impressedly fondle. Over time, the idea spawned many copycats from "Wine-of-the-Month" Club, to the more absurd "Fruit-of-the-Month" Club. The year nineteen hundred and twenty-eight was, I might point out, rather near to the denoument of the roaring bull, and so padding out a library for show, rather than one's edification, was certainly apt.

But here we are in the year two-thousand and thirteen - one that finds investors, in a word, apathetic, and adding a few more, decidedly lacking in conviction. Investment is determined by the negative of asset-class avoidance ("I hate bonds"), reaction to market action ("Silver isn't working") rather than by inspired imagination (excepting the promise of Tesla Motors or the Strontium/Cesium eating algae of Japan Best Rescue Co. (TSE Code 2453).  Even the most dire of Euro-skeptics (excepting Mish and The Telegraph's Ambrose Five-Names) those who only months before were hyperventilating in their predictions that the Greeks would shortly be wiping their bottoms with light-blue EU Flags - have lost their conviction in Europe's and the Euro's imminent demise, and returned to their local Brasserie  for a plate of Jarret à l'os. 

So uninspired are investors, both Macro and Micro, Chernham & Burnham Publishing will, effective immediately, attempt to solve this crisis-of-no-obvious-crisis, by forming, and opening for membership a "Trade-of-the-Month" Club, along lines inspired by Mr Scherman back in 1928.  Each and every month, on its first day, The Trade-of-the-Month Club will provide you (and it must be pointed out all other club Members) with a single, inspired, carefully-bound idea that Members can sink their money into, and concertedly both move, and benefit from others moving, the price of the chosen investment. This will provide relief from market boredom, narrow ranges, and unpredictable whip-saws. Accompanying each volume will be a simultaneous month-long dissemination of sponsored research, press-reports, "briefing notes" for stringers and content providers to construct their own articles as well as selected Experts made available to talk on the "Trade of The Month" in multi-media interviews of all formats.  Recent 2013 Trades-of-The-Month (available to our Beta members) have included: "Jan 2103 Short Yen/Long Nikkei", June 2013 - Long the USD,  May 2013 - Short AUD, Aug 2013 -Short US Bonds, rounding out a stunningly attractive set of trades for our Members trading pleasure.

Finally, I want to highlight that like all good research with commercial objectives - whether Independent, Private, Sell-Side, Newsletter - the Trade of The Month Club will offer tiers of membership: "Basic", "Preferred", and "SAC".   I am quite certain that this needs no further discussion and that everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - knows what's going here.

So sign up today! And begin receiving your "Trade of The Month commencing immediately!

COMING SOON!: The "Trade of The Month" Club will shortly introduce its special Monthly Activist Section. This will be tailored specifically to the interests of Activist members highlighting a different target every month. In addition to focusing Members' attention upon a single well-researched thesis, it will also include provocative boiler-plate letters composed to company chairmen and their board members that members can customize accordingly, and a special Xmas Focus Edition to help members with a year-end busting performance boost. Join today!

1 comment:

  1. Do premium members get keys to the executive bathroom at the luxurious Club HQ?
