Monday, January 02, 2012

No Virginia, Tin-Foil Hats Do Not Help....

Half-truths and paranoia can be downright dangerous. Indeed, the few remaining at MIT who possess a sense of humour demonstrate that, far from protecting their wearers against invasions of the mind by Extra-Terrestrials Dr. Evil Abba The Fed The Government, the shiny material may actually aid their invasion by amplifying radio signals. Ever insightful, they recursively hypothesize that the Tin-Foil Hat myth may have actually been promulgated by the evil government itself in order to encourage adherents and thus more easily gain entry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The jokers at Carleton in Canada also used population and infection rate modeling to examine what happens in a zombie apocalypse. Who says math can't be fun?
