Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Quarter of a Century Later....

In general, I admire the french civil service. Not everything. Not all the time. But both relatively and absolutely, their performance should give anti-Statists pause for thought about their position (not that such dogmatists will ever do so). Sometimes, however, they do fuck-up. Sometimes quite badly. Such as, for example, twenty-five years ago in New Zealand (youngsters see inset photo to the left).. Ummm errrrrr great plan guys!! A Franco Bay-of-Pigs of sorts.

Time travel back to the present, a quarter-of -a-century later, and after reading today's lead story, one must wonder whether Agents Prieur and Mafart have been seconded back into service - this time on an even more ignoble plan to sink (no pun intended) the political fortunes of DSK, presently polling several percentage points ahead of Mssr Sarkozy, even after the announcement of the soon-to-emerge mini-Bruni. Ouch! Decisive action appears to have been called for. Some shit that, once thrown, will stick stick stick.

I am not saying he doesn't have a dark side. You don't really know someone until they come an live with you (and even then there is still.....ummm errrr stuff that....). I am not saying he didn't do it. Heck almost everyone has something that might not withstand public scrutiny and microscopic examination. But this one just seems implausible. In all my years, and too numerous hotel stays, I've never been cornered in my hotel room by the J-Lo hot chambermaid (and, then, in the micro instant of having emerged clothes-less from shower, schocked by the instrusion, thought: Wow she's hot! Followed by "Hey babe wanna fuck??!? No? Really, no? Well then I'll just have to force you...." Oh, yea, and we gonna be quick, 'cause I got ze plane to catch". Perhaps that is because that lot are all swarming by the suites upstairs looking for the bigger fish (like DSK?),  rather than the plebeian closets where I hole up. But c'mon. In the run-up to an imminent election? When you are the the front-runner? And about to depart for an important meeting with Chancellor Merkel about some trifling matter about the future of the periphery of Europe? (Frau M can wait.....right?!??).  Forcible detainment?? After having been busted and having apologized for shagging a (rather willing, it would seem) colleague??  It just smacks of a set-up. A rather dirty, dirty-trick, that needn't be true, but merely cause some fence-sitters to come to the conclusion that the devil you know may just be marginally better than an accused rapist.

Any thoughts on this one guys & girls........??!?


  1. well, it was kind of my third thought.

    the Deuxieme Bureau are amazing...

  2. Lots of thoughts. Which I should and will keep to myself.

    But if Sarko did plan this it will be easier to prove than DSK's diddling. He'd be toast in a blink if he's caught out.

  3. Regardless of what really happened, the only outcome I would find shocking is to learn that DSK and the Sarko are both NOT scumbags.

  4. A second accuser doesn't help his case:

  5. you don't know someone after ages sometime

  6. Nor does the fact that the woman herself has been working at the hotel for the last three years, is apparently married with a family, a devout Muslim, and is supposedly not overly attractive.

    The woman in question apparently first went to her coworkers, who advised her to call the cops. The police (who have a good sense for these things) find her to be a credible witness

    Add in the DNA evidence and we see why DSK appears to be claiming the act was consensual. Considering the signs of a struggle and the woman's background, I do not buy it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. DSK 's closet is surely not empty and NS's campaining abilities are above par so the "homo-rationalis" in me thinks that a timely one on one could have done the trick nicely
    (with or whitout twins!). More to the point it would have been quite DSKish to actually go down that path and NS is not DSK. That said a man is innocent until proven guilty so I will refrain for now and patiently wait a few days....

  9. i think the only way he can stay free is to attack the maid, and say the sex was consensual. Assuming there is DNA evidence, either way he is done. Spare a thought for the woman, who has a 15 year old daughter, and probably will have to go through hell as she recounts the alleged attack, all with family watching.

  10. My thoughts exactly! Dirty politics at play.

  11. See
    Alas, it does not cover jumping chambermaids or avoiding sex-stings

  12. Actually, I am as clueless as anyone about what really happened. But speaking of chambermaids, I recall an anecdote I heard almost thirty years ago. A Japanese businessman stays at a hotel in Madagascar. Unfamiliar with the local currency, he leaves a tip that is ten or hundred times the norm under the pillow. When he comes back, he finds a maid in the bed offering herself. I’m not sure if this story was intended to be funny, which I don’t think it is. Anyway, this is hardly credible; the maid would have pocketed the money and be done with it.

  13. Droit du Seigneur attitude still exists among the french political class.

  14. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
