Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't Break the Law When You're Breaking The Law

When I was in Aspen in April, Patrolman Joe sirened me to a stop as I came over the Bridge into town. "What's the rush Sir? - Is someone ill??" "Do you realize you were doing 37 in a 25 zone?" "Ummm ummm no sir, I KNOW it's a 25 in town and I crawl safely like everyone else there. I thought I'd slowed down. I didn't realize the zone began at the bridge... I have no excuse, as I was clearly guilty".

"License and registration Sir..." he demanded politely. "Are you going to be arrested?!? my son called from the back seat. My daughter had her head in her hands embarrassed by her groveling parent. My spouse gloating with "I told you so looks and tongue clicks". He ran my license. Didn't catch my outstanding offense from 1987 for non-payment of a non-applicable fine that I'd neglected to clean up. Back he came. "Now, IF I were going to give you a ticket it would be $140 and three points. Of course, you're not from here so I am sure you don't care about the points. All the same, it would be expensive. But, I can see you're well-intentioned, so I'm just going to give you a warning...Please drive safely in our town!

Two months later, they pulled over another hedgie (report here). Perhaps the arresting Officer was invested in the driver's Fund since since the offending Driver of the Green Land Rover was clearly not as lucky as your's truly. I still remember the sagely advice of a local villain where I grew up (obviously unheeded by the driver below): "Don't Break the Law When You're Breaking The Law..."

(hat-tip CB!!)


  1. Any thoughts?

  2. I have no opinion, though admittedly pretty weird. I am not a conspiricist so I'd lean towards a high-brow 426 scam. Wonder what might happen if someone tried to repo those to the Fed....
