Sunday, December 07, 2008

Grasshopper Regret??

Do grasshoppers regret? Aesop never told us. Are we on the verge of a new world order - a New Order so-to--speak? No, not yet, for it seems as if we are pulling out all the stops to save the old one, despite the elevated suspicion that the old one is too deeply flawed for rescue. But it begs the question: what might you do differently given another chance - something germane to the question posed of Mr Aesop's grasshopper? Aptly-named New Order contemplated the "second chance" theme in a different context, with their hit "Krafty" (videos een below), which even if it doesn't help with your ruminations on the subject should brighten-up your Sunday with welcome fantasial blast-from-the-past - my favorite track on that LP ...


  1. So where does that put Sex Pistols and The Clash?


  2. in terms of apt-namedness?

  3. No, in terms of new world order. What is old, as in old politics, is new again . . .



  4. In actual fact I was thinking of a new, "de-leveraged" financial order, but it's merely turning into a migration of leverage from the private to the public sector. which hardly qualifes as new.

    But it's funny, someone pulled the plug on Strummer & Co halfway through that clip, much like I saw someone do to Dylan at a folk festival gig when he decided to "go electric". Change is hard to initiate and uncomfortable to get used to but humans are immensely malleable.


  5. It is nice to think, all at the same time, of de la Fontaine, pretty young people, New Order, and the whirling camera of Norman Jewison's Thomas Crown Affair.

    So thank you!

  6. mmmmm... new order, old. krafty? blast from the past? off one of the albums they did this millenium to pay school fees, no?

    /bogs off to listen to power, corruption and lies again

  7. The grasshopper was the symbol of Martin's Bank absorbed by Barclays in the late '60s / early 70s. Is there a hidden message here?

  8. C, I wouldn't compare The Clash crowd with Dylan crowd. I suspect a riot would have broken out if Strummer & Co were forced to have stopped.

    Now about the politics of Sex Pistols . . .

  9. Do differently? Nothing! Let the path unfold before us.

  10. I think I'd change my Escalade in for a Hummer. Not the H3, mind you, but the real McCoy---The Wide Ride Bad Boy!

    Hey...check out this missive from Sea Bee...who decided to spend her Saturday evening reading blog comments on several different blogs from a Dan Duncan.

    "For those interested in the inner workings of an intellectual force majeure, here's DD's explanation of how the bond market works...

    Things won't get better until real estate bottoms.
    While waiting for real estate to bottom, investors flock to treasury safe-haven. Due to increased demand, lots of trasury sales.
    The sales lead to higher T-bill rates, which leads to higher mtg rates."


    Gee, thanks Dan for the profound insight. Hey, wait a second---I have Bill Gross on the phone---and he just loves the way you've conflated T-bills and Treasuries. Dude, you shouldn't just go posting this stuff on random blogs---insight like this demands a premium!

    Seriously, I'm interested in is your thought process at the time of posting this treasure. Did you think the financial blog community was lost and floundering at this moment of great economic stress...and that they were waiting for your beaming intellect to shine through the fog and guide them home? "OH, wait! Our Messiah has risen! Shhhh...let's listen to what He has to say.....

    "We have problems in the real estate market"...

    Absolutely brilliant. A Genius!Whodda thunk it? Real Estate and T-bill/treasury hybrid sales! Unbelievable!

    OMG II--here's another post from this guy on See Bea's blog. Check this one out:

    "Can't wait for that whacky Cassnadra to follow up with one of her "novel" insights!

    I suppose at some deeper level, she at least realizes that's she's just spewing the same old garbage. That's why she came up with zany premise: "I have nothing but the same old, bitter blog blather, so I'll be that old, bitter Cassandra from the Kung Fu movie. Then, I won't even need to construct a thought of my own. Nobody will even notice cuz they'll be laughing so hard at the fact that I'm just typing away with a cigarette dangling from my mouth and curlers in my hair. It'll be gold Yves. Gold!"

    Hey Bud, where do you come off knocking our Mamma Cass like that? She happens to abhor dishonesty and people who cheat. Sure, there's a certain self-congratulation in actually pointing out what for most people would be taken as a given--but who can find fault in that? It's pretty doggone rare to come across someone who doesn't like cheaters!

    And some of us love wacky movies. City Slickers III, The Police Academy movies (1-12) and of course, the 4th installment of Clint Eastwood and that CRAZY Orangutan in "Every Which Way but Loose". Classics!

    So why don't you bugger off, asshole?

    You strike me as the kind of shithead who refers to himself in the 3rd person. What a moron!

  11. ....Tourette's?!?
