Friday, September 19, 2008

There Is Always Someone Worse Off Than You

My mother was world-class in finding the silver-lining in every cloud. So in the event you may be feeling black-and-blue at having bought the dips on AIG common; gone "all-in" shorting the S&P Bank index earlier this week; having all your Merrill stock options struck > $25; watching your sell-stops on STT triggered at $31; or merely having your money fund loaded-up on Lehman Bros CP, you can take some solace in that fact there is always someone worse off than you, as yours truly can attest. For these trifles are only money. But never, never, NEVER - no matter how turbulent the markets may be - forget your spouse on your fifteenth wedding anniversary...


  1. Is this a cri de coeur? Interesting question: who forgot who?

  2. My husband and I would have celebrated our 23rd anniversary - if we had remembered it!
