Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mechel: Steal or Steel?

Poor Igor Zyuzin. What could he possibly have done to earn the wrath of Prime Minister Putin? Stealing? Price Fixing? Insufficient baksheesh? Slept with his girlfriend? Doesn't really matter. The stock has been shattered, and along with it, the confidence that Mechel is "safe" and squarely within Putin's circle of friends (Oh how the god of mixed metaphors will crucify me for that!).

Hope you weren't long...


  1. I was... still am.
    Today, I'm a little less than happy.

  2. Sorry about that. At least you only "got stuffed" rather than "stuffed in jail" (or was it a cage?) a-la Khodorovsky. And as I recall at the time, there were none to few folk (self-professed insiders and friends of insiders and friends of friends of insiders) singing the virtues of Yukos all the way down well into Martingale territory...

    ...which when I see the meteoric rise of the fortunes of Mr Zyuzin, makes me think of that wonderful scene in Blade Runner where Tyrell meets Roy, his prodigal aryan-looking [android] son played by Rutger Hauer. And in response to the question of why he [as his creator] cannot extend Roy's life, Tyrell says: "..He who shines twice as bright burns for half as long...and you...Roy...have shone very bright indeed..."

    Perhaps there is trend emerging here: first the Williams sistahs shellack the -ovas at Wimbledon, now Mechel. Hmmm. Wonder if Chelsky house prices might now start to swoon?
