Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Inflation Bites?!?

Please choose your favorite caption for the photograph (left), or in the event you're feeling creative, submit your own. Kewpie doll to the best entry....

(a) Inflation Bites...

(b) A Goldman Sachs Banker congratulates a client on a well-struck deal

(c) What's left of the Merrill Lynch Super-Senior CDO Tranche.

(d) Chinese Commerce Minister Bo Xilai (left) shakes hands wiith USTR Ambassador Susan Schwab

(e) Ken Livingston's latest "Congestion Charge" Proposal

(f) "That'll teach the bastard to STOP DUMPING SO MUCH SHIT into my river"

(g) "Anyone have any Tabasco..?"

(h) "Doncha just lurve strict application of shari'a law?


  1. It's definitely not a ruminant. Do the folks know what they're in for?

  2. You can only feed the Credit Monster for so long before....

    When offered the chance to keep his $159 million in deferred comp and shares in exchange for his resignation, Stan O'Neal bites the Merrill board's hand off...

    I knew that rip-off Britain was bad, but this is ridiculous!

    Hillary badly miscalculates whilst canvassing at the Des Moines zoo.

    Happy New Year

  3. Happy new year MM.

    "Yet another Treasury Secretary [Grateful Dead Keyboard Player, "Who" Drummer] bites the dust

    "Margin Call......??"

    "He shorted How Many YEN [Oil Futures, Gold Calls, SU, DO, POT, CLF, RIO, CVRD] Shares??!?

    Whaddya mean, "Predatory Lending" ?!?!

    My favorite.....


  4. I had trouble paying my ARM and . . .

    Ummm, now where's that leg?

    What a chump, he thought I would accept just an olive branch!

  5. "Kurtosis in the gecko family."

    "Then Dr. Bernanke said he was going to go rinse off his invisible hand."

    "Our counterparty is contractually obligated to return the asset. But we've written the pinky off already."

  6. "so first we bought into Citi.. and then we moved on looking for more assets.."

    "i'll give you a lock up period Mr Hotshot..!! gimme my money back"

  7. Spreads between upper and lower tranches appear to have contracted excessively.

  8. Still clutching his gold short.

  9. In the event that an aidividual wished, in the interests of amusing his or her peers, to produce a
    Fnancial Abecediary, with an illustration for each term, the remarkable picture produced above would be the perfect illustration for the securities options term, "alligator spread", which term refers to an options trade where the comissions on the trade are so great that, even if the investor is correct in his judgement of the market direction, he loses most or all of his capital.
