Friday, December 21, 2007

2008 Year-End Financial Diary

Attention traders and portfolio managers of the world. For your convenience, I've aggregated the following information, so please make note of the following official Global Trading and Write-Down Announcement Calendar, which has been agreed by global banking authorities, in order to prevent unnecessary market volatility due to unexpected loss reporting or surprise asset write-down announcement congestion.

***** Holiday Calendar 2007 *****

Tue Dec 18th - Central Bank Day (ECB & BoE Spotlight)
Wed Dec 19th - Morgan Stanley Day (AM) Bear Stearns (PM)
Thu Dec 20th - Bond-Insurer Surprise Bonanza Day (AM)
Fri Dec 21st - Merrill Lynch Writeoff "Top-Up" Day
Mon Dec 24th - (Half Day) Small Lehman Writedown
Tue Dec 25th - Xmas - Orix Co Ltd (Japan) CDO Writedown Day
Wed Dec 26th - (UK Closed) US Bank Double Header - JPM and BAC SIV Rescues & ABS Writeoffs only)
Thu Dec 27th - Yet another Bear Stearns Day!!
Fri Dec 28th - GS "Little White Lie Day" (Small Class 3 Asset writedowns only)
Mon Dec 31st - Credit Suisse Day (Equity Trading & CDO Losses only)
Tue Jan 1st - (Markets Closed) Non-financial fireworks only
Wed Jan 2nd - US Agency Day Fannie, Freddie & Sallie Synchronized Writedowns
Thu Jan 3rd - UK Bank Day (Barclays, HSBC, HBOS increase of loss-provisions only)
Fri Jan 4th - Euro Insurer Day (Allianz, AXA, & Zurich Versich only)