Monday, March 05, 2007

Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro

There is the wonderful scene in the "Life of Brian" where our hero is caught by a Roman sentry (played by John Cleese) writing anti-Imperial slogans on the wall, and, rather than being hauled away is professorily corrected, and made to write it ad infinitum, all over the walls of the plaza.

Thinking of our recently-humbled carry traders, perhaps a similar exercise is in order. Now repeat after me:

Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro.

(and so on....)

Literal translation: A greedy mind is satisfied with no (amount of) gain


  1. very good.
    by the way, as I mentioned in comments on the yen carry, "should we ask Marty?" pretty much nailed it. Too bad we cant talk to the man yet...

  2. Wish they'd have signaled intentions so I could be short short short shorter than I already was! I've missed a 5% downside all over the world because they refused to cry out while still chained to their oars. I could have gotten into the first lifeboat instead of the second. OldVet
